I Have a Gibson Humbucker in the Bridge Position and It's Out of Phase with my Great Sounding Middle Strat Pickup and the Strat Pickup is Out of Phase with my Neck P-90 Pickup. How Can I Get Everything in Phase?

If you reverse the wires on the middle Strat pickup, the poles would become hot. If the grounded guitar strings would hit the poles, the signal could cut out and also the poles would buzz if you touch them. If you remagnetize the Strat pickup to be magnetically in phase you can change the magnetic calibration and tone so I wouldn't have that done. The easiest way is to reverse the bar magnets in the bridge humbucker and the neck P-90 pickups. Basically pull out the bar magnets and flip them over 180 degrees and reinstall them. Make sure they are firmly tightened to reduce unwanted feedback. Everything should be properly phased without changing the tone on your great sounding Strat pickup. This is quite simple and it keeps you from having to rewire the pickups and making the situation worse.


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